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Асоціація 'Енергоефективні міста України'


Kyivenergo: starting from July 1, new tariffs for heat energy and centralized hot (tap) water supply come into effect

July 1, 2016

Starting from July 1, 2016, as stipulated by Resolution #1101 of the National Energy and Communal Services Regulatory Commission dated June 9, 2016, new tariffs for district heating and centralized hot (tap) water supply services come into effect. The new tariffs are as follows:

Hot water

For consumers having towel dryers connected to the hot water supply system - UAH 83,10/1 m3

For consumers without towel dryers - UAH 76,71/1 m3


With building and apartment heat meters installed - UAH 1416,96/1 Gkal

Without building and apartment heat meters - UAH 32,97/m2/month

The increase in tariffs is, first of all, the consequence of the grown fuel component in tariffs starting from May 1, 2016 (according to GOU Decree #315 of April 27, 2016, on the changed price for natural gas used for production of heat energy for population. Before tariff increases, the cost of production of 1 Gkal of heat energy was UAH 392,45; it is UAH 902,97 now.

Source: website of Kyivenergo



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IQ energy - a programme designed by the EBRD and financed by E5P & Sida and supported by the EU.
The purpose of IQ energy is to increase residential energy efficiency in Ukraine

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