Friends of TEPLY DIM


TEPLY DIM Publications
Brochures, manuals, reports, presentations
Ukrainian ministries, agencies, institutions, NGOs dealing with energy efficiency
International financial/donor organizations working in the area of energy efficiency in Ukraine
International techncial assistance projects dealing with energy efficiency - See more at: http://teplydim.com.ua/en/library#sthash.gDz525vO.dpuf
Local Projects
Useful Links
Organizations/associations/companies working in the area of energy efficiency worldwide
Financing Energy Efficiency Initiatives in Europe

TEPLY DIM Publications


Brochures, manuals, reports, presentations


Ukrainian ministries, agencies, institutions, NGOs dealing with energy efficiency

International financial/donor organizations working in the area of energy efficiency in Ukraine


International techncial assistance projects dealing with energy efficiency


Local Projects


Useful Links

Organizations/associations/companies working in the area of energy efficiency worldwide


Financing Energy Efficiency Initiatives in Europe


Weekly news and publications

IQ energy - a programme designed by the EBRD and financed by E5P & Sida and supported by the EU.
The purpose of IQ energy is to increase residential energy efficiency in Ukraine

About IQ energy

Recent news

The biggest in Ukraine EE loan was issued to Lutsk Homeowners Association

Ukrgasbank issued almost UAH 3.5 million loan for Homeowners Association “Tsentralna Vezha” (Central Tower) in Lutsk. More

HOAs take "warm" loans to prepare for winter

On the week of July 11-18, nine homeowners associations have joined the government “warm” loans program by attracting UAH 3 million of EE loans. More

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