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Energy Saving Technologies

Energy audit

Before prescribing treatment a doctor shall have a clear understanding of the problem. How much heat is lost through poorly insulated old windows? Where are leakages in pipes? Are the walls “transparent” to frost? Where light is not switched off? So, before thermal modernization of a building, it is necessary to conduct the energy audit. Home energy assessment or energy audit is an inspection, survey and analysis of energy flows for energy conservation in a building to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without negatively affecting the output. In other words it is the first step to assess how much energy your home consumes and to evaluate what measures you can take to make your home more energy efficient.

A professional auditor uses a variety of techniques and equipment to determine the energy efficiency of a structure. Thorough assessments often use equipment such as blower doors, which measure the extent of leaks in the building envelope, and infrared cameras, which reveal hard-to-detect areas of air infiltration and missing insulation.

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IQ energy - a programme designed by the EBRD and financed by E5P & Sida and supported by the EU.
The purpose of IQ energy is to increase residential energy efficiency in Ukraine

About IQ energy

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