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Energy Saving Technologies

Energy efficient lighting

For the recent years development of the market of energy efficient light bulbs and variety of products are booming, especially after EU and non-EU countries in Europe have decided to phase out gradually inefficient incandescent lamps from the use.

An energy efficient light bulb is a good way to save both energy and money. They are now produced in variety of technologies, size, shapes, fittings, style and colors to fit to any environment to light your home. They are providing the same illumination but using much less electricity for that and very often have longer durability.

As of today the market offers several types of the energy efficiency solutions for light bulbs: Compact luminescent lamps (CLL), Light emitting diodes (LED) lamps and halogen lamps. Currently compact luminescent lamps are the most popular among energy saving lamps. While LED lamps are more efficient, they are in the same time more expensive compared to compact luminescent lamps.

Let’s have a look at comparison table of the lamps with similar illumination characteristics:

Ordinary incandescent bulbs

Compact luminescent lamps

LED lamps

25 W

5-7 W

2-3 W

40 W

8-9 W

4-5 W

60 W

11-14 W

6-8 W

100 W

20-23 W

12-13 W

It should also be noted that lifetime of energy saving bulbs is many times longer compared to traditional incandescent lamps which have lifetime between 500- 1 500 hours. For CLL it vary between 8 000 -20 000 hours and for LED lamps between 50 000 to 100 000 hours.

For some period of time many people were reluctant to change the bulbs for more energy efficient, as there was a perception that they are too big and bulky to be a good replacement for incandescent lamps. It should be noted that energy saving bulbs have improved considerably over the years and you can now get them that look just like their non efficient counterparts.

Another reason for avoiding installing compact luminescent lamps for some people was perception that they contain mercury, and it could harm the inhabitants. They indeed contain mercury, but in very tiny portions. For comparison: one lamp could contain 1,4 – 5 milligrams of mercury, while ordinary mercury thermometer has 500 – 3 000 milligrams of mercury. However, to avoid polluting from the lamps, the retailer should provide disposing locations for such luminescent lamps.

Switching light on and off will not increase energy consumption by energy saving lamps, but might reduce their life. Therefore it is recommended to install energy efficient lamps in the areas where you need lighting more continuously.

It is true, that energy efficient lamps are more expensive as initial costs, but such investments are usually profitable due to the energy saving and their longer lifetime.

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IQ energy - a programme designed by the EBRD and financed by E5P & Sida and supported by the EU.
The purpose of IQ energy is to increase residential energy efficiency in Ukraine

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