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Housing maintenance reform to start in 2015 in Ukraine

Kyiv will become a pilot city where the housing maintenance reform will start in 2015. 102 legal entities which presently maintain housing stock in Kyiv will be reduced to 10 legal entities. More

Preseident Poroshenko created National Commission for Government Regulation of Energy and Utility Services


The EBRD is considering establishing the Ukrainian Residential Energy Efficiency Financing Facility

Up to $100 million will be made available to Participating Financial Institutions (“PFIs”) in Ukraine for on-lending to eligible private sector sub-borrowers for sustainable energy investments in the residential sector. More

The first in Ukraine Energy Efficiency Lending Center opened in Lviv

It will offer bank loans for energy efficiency and news on energy efficiency technologies and equipment. More

The Concept of the Program on Increasing Energy Efficiency discussed at the Ministry of Regional Development


In Zaporizhzhia HOAs and Housing and Building Cooperatives Exchange Experience on Financing Energy Efficiency Improvements


About the meeting of the Working Group on the draft law on energy efficiency of buildings


First time in Ukraine. The experimental training course “ABC of Housing Management and Communal Services” and a business online game “Clever House” for 10th form students launched in 12 schools of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast


Start of the new project "Sustainable housing in Ukraine: Promoting local development and the role of non-state actors"


"Green" tariff for households


Weekly news and publications

IQ energy - a programme designed by the EBRD and financed by E5P & Sida and supported by the EU.
The purpose of IQ energy is to increase residential energy efficiency in Ukraine

About IQ energy

Recent news

The biggest in Ukraine EE loan was issued to Lutsk Homeowners Association

Ukrgasbank issued almost UAH 3.5 million loan for Homeowners Association “Tsentralna Vezha” (Central Tower) in Lutsk. More

HOAs take "warm" loans to prepare for winter

On the week of July 11-18, nine homeowners associations have joined the government “warm” loans program by attracting UAH 3 million of EE loans. More

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