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The Revolving Fund in Voznesensk issued four repayable loans for residential energy efficiency improvements

The Revolving Fund in Voznesensk supports energy efficiency by offering repayable loans for homeowners associations and housing building cooperatives (ZhBK) for energy efficiency improvements

December 26, 2014

The Revolving Fund was established and is operating as part of the NGO “Agency for Local Economic Development”. In 2012, the City Council of Voznesensk allocated UAH 30 000 for establishment of the Revolving Fund.

The Revolving Fund provides financing for the registered homeowners associations (HOAs) and housing building cooperatives for permanent repair and capital overhaul, and improvement works in multi-family residential buildings.

So far, four HOAs received loans:

  1. HOA “Voznesensky” received UAH 20 000 for the capital overhaul of the part of soft roofing (300 m2);
  2. HOA “Sokoly Menzhynskoho” received UAH 6000 for replacement of three entrance doors with necessary heat insulation works;
  3. HOA “Barvinok Voznesenska” received UAH 5000 for the capital overhaul of the basement;
  4. HOA “O.Kutvitskoho” received UAH 10000 for installation of 12 energy efficient windows.

These four HOAs also received the capacity building assistance, including organizational and legal issues, office work, etc.   

More information about the Revolving Fund in Voznesensk can be received from the Fund Chairman Serhiy Averkov by tel. +380 67 4571556, +380 99 3403788, or via email: aerbox@ukr.net, awerkow@gmail.com.

See also Voznesensk: Revolving Fund for energy efficiency improvements in associations of homeowners and in housing building cooperatives (2013)

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IQ energy - a programme designed by the EBRD and financed by E5P & Sida and supported by the EU.
The purpose of IQ energy is to increase residential energy efficiency in Ukraine

About IQ energy

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