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Energy Saving Technologies

Thermal insulation of roof, ceiling on top of unheated basements and passages of buildings

Roof is a very important part of any structure because it is affected by environment: high temperature in summer, low temperature in winter, window, rain, and snow slowly but steadily destroy any roof. Life time of roof coat depends on many conditions which provide for its proper condition and for the need in repairing it once in 15-20 years. These conditions are: high-quality concrete blinding coat of 2-3 cm, quality and thickness of roofing materials, number of layers of membrane roofing, professionalism of workers, and proper maintenance of the roof.

Main thing about thermal insulation of roof is the right material. Good for flat roofs are foamed polyurethane, foam plastic, glass fiber, mineral rock wool, extruded cellular polystyrene, and dry thermal insulator. These materials guarantee no moisture in cold seasons.

Interior thermal insulation of roofs is the most popular in Ukraine. Thermal insulation for sloping roofs can be made both on slopes of the roof, and by placing heaters on the floor of the attic when attics are not heated. Thermal insulation of flat roofs shall provide for vapor sealing and water stop.

Calculations of thickness of thermal insulation of roofs are based on Ukraine’s current building norms B.2.6-31:2006 “Thermal insulation of buildings” and are specific for every building and type of the roof.


Useful links


Association of Ukraine's Producers of Foam Plastic
Insulation materials PAZKAR
Insulation materials TechnoNIKOL
Insulation materials - BUDMAGAZIN
Roofing materials

Bradford Insulation

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IQ energy - a programme designed by the EBRD and financed by E5P & Sida and supported by the EU.
The purpose of IQ energy is to increase residential energy efficiency in Ukraine

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